Project Overview
Project Hyperloop was a theoretical training project that was used as a method by which to continue growing design skills.
The brief was to explore the design for an effortless ticket purchasing and boarding experience for the Hyperloop service. For the purpose of this case study, it will begin by looking at both the broader ticket purchasing and boarding experiences. It will then focus on the prototype created for the ticket purchasing experience.
Skill Areas
Desk Research and Persona Creation
Desk research was completed to understand what various booking experiences look like in the now. These examples used to inspire a short ideation session with the focus of what an effortless booking and boarding experience could be in the future in a Hyperloop setting.
Additionally, to support the upcoming storyboarding phase, two personas were created. The goal of these were to bring to life two distinct user groups hypothesised to use the Hyperloop in the future. Inspired by a quick observation session in London Bridge station on afternoon, the chosen two were business travellers and the social travellers. Ideally the personas would be iterated upon as more user insight is gathered.
Storyboarding and Wireframing
Going broad. Prior to narrowing down and creating the the prototype, storyboards and wireframes were created to explore the ideal journey for both business and social traveller personas in the ticket purchasing and boarding contexts.
This included creating the storyboard for a business user booking a last minute trip, and then their possible boarding experience. Followed by the creation of a booking and boarding storyboard for a social traveller looking to user the Hyperloop service to visit their parents overseas.
Interaction Flow
The purpose of the interaction flow was to visualise and iterate upon the path the user would take. For the prototype, the decision was made to focus on creating an app to support the booking experience for the business users
This phase was heaviliy influenced by the prior wireframing and storyboarding phase.
Prototype Screens
The project output. A designed experience prototype of what the booking process could look like for the Hyperloop.
For the prototype, all work was completed in figma. To aid the assembly of the screens a colour scheme was created from the current hyperloop website. A typography pack was selected and set up for usage and components set up as a mini component library within the figma project space.